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Got something to say? Say it through us.

New for 2018, we’re inviting our readers to blog for us. We know you’ve got opinions. What we’d like is for you to expand on them beyond the usual limitations of social media.

Since we expect plenty of you to want to get involved, we’re going to ask that you first of all complete the following form telling us who you are and what (keep it brief!) you want to write about.

If we like it, we’ll get back to you and ask you to write the whole thing. Naturally, we might edit it a little to make sure it fits with our style guidelines but that’s what we’re here for.

What’s in for you? A couple of things. Firstly, we’ll push your blog (and Twitter account) through our Twitter and Facebook channels. Secondly, we’ll send you a dozen Srixon golf balls for every one of your blogs we publish.

A couple of important ground rules:

1. Your blog must be entirely your own, original work and must not have been published anywhere previously. We’ll be checking these things.

2. You must have a Twitter account. We can’t promote you on social media if you don’t have a presence.

All good? Then fill in the following form and let’s get started…

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