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Four simple steps to curing that destructive curveball once and for all.
Slicing the ball is one of the most common faults we see in amateur golf, often stemming from an over the top movement in the downswing that promotes an out-to-in swing path.
• Execute the perfect punch shot
This tends to be when the club gets disconnected from the body and attacks the ball from outside the intended target line on the way down, wipes across the ball through impact and then works inside the target line on the way through.
Try these four drills to help put the club in a better position on the way down, allowing you to attack the ball from a more in-to-out swing path which, when combined with a more neutral clubface, will help eliminate the slice and begin promoting a controlled draw.
1. Towel drill
Roll up a towel and place it just outside of the ball and parallel to your target line. If you swing over the top, it is very likely that you’re going to catch the towel on the way down, so your thought here is to avoid it!
2. Two-ball drill
Place a golf ball approximately two feet behind the object ball and one the same distance in front and in line with the target. Swing from inside the back ball to outside the front ball, which will encourage a draw.
3.Lay the club flat
Keeping the club and body connected, exaggerate the sensation of performing an in to out swing path by laying the club flat during the downswing to allow you to swing more around the body.
4. Tennis theory
For those that have ever played tennis, imagining a topspin forehand tennis shot, where the racket works around the body, is a great way of promoting a more in to out swing path. This should encourage a more right-to-left shot shape.
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