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The ultimate goal of finding long, accurate drives shouldn’t be too difficult to achieve.

Maximising distance through a powerful, athletic set-up, while ensuring full commitment to the completion of the backswing and through-swing will get those extra few yards. 

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Keeping a smooth rhythm through these positions will give you the power and better centred contact for that tour-quality strike.

Stand a little wider at address

A slightly wider stance offers the solid foundation and stability required to deliver maximum swing speed through impact, whilst maintaining control.

With the feet just wider than shoulder-width, there’s still scope for optimum movement in the backswing, turning your top half against your bottom half for more torque, giving you more power.

This allows you to shift your weight as you unwind – but do so at a controlled pace for maximum clubhead speed.

Complete backswing/clear your left side

Using the big muscle groups to maximum effect will go a long way to producing longer drives. 

Backswing A

The lower half needs to offer stability and resistance while the torso winds up to an athletic position (above). Note how the gap between the knees is maintained to help restrict hip rotation, while the left shoulder turns all the way under the chin to provide maximum torque across the core as we prepare to unleash this stored power.

• Collin Morikawa’s ‘imperfect’ grip

• Patrick Reed – Swing Analysis

There should be limited independent action from the hands and arms, as the wrists will hinge naturally in the backswing, through the athletic set-up, to allow for the completion of a powerful set of the club.

Backswing B

As my weight shifts to my left side (above) you can see both the left shoulder and hip rotate to create space for the arms, hands and club to fully extend for maximum speed and power, as all components work towards the target together.

Always turn to a full finish

What we’re looking for is balance and control to be combined with power, harnessing the energy of all contributing factors working toward the same goal.

The finish of the golf swing should epitomise this perfectly – with the sternum rotating fully and freely to face left of the target; the hips/belt buckle facing at least at the target if not a little to the left; the weight shifting wholly onto the front foot with the right shoulder working beyond this point to signify a complete follow through, as the body and club have worked in total unison towards the target.

Jowett Full Finish

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